Getting The Best From Your Medicines 


NICE has developed a guideline to advise your doctor, nurse or pharmacist how they can help you make decisions about your medicines 

  • Almost everyone is prescribed a medicine at some time
  • Would you like to get the full benefit from your treatment?
  • If the answer is YES, then get involved in decisions about your medicines

Before you decide to start or carry on using a medicine

Your doctor, nurse or pharmacist can help you:

  • understand what the treatment is and how long you need to use it
  • understand the benefits of the treatment
  • manage any side effects
  • change your medicines if you need to
  • talk about your worries about your medicines or treatment
  • fit medicines into your lifestyle

They can also advise you how to get help with prescription costs, if this is a problem

If you decide not to take a medicine tell your doctor - they can support you and explain how this could affect you.